The Adoption of the Laredo Healthy Food System Plan

Cover of the Laredo Healthy Food System Plan featuring a map of Laredo with 'Viva Laredo' text, a detailed diagram of food system sectors, and a photo of two joyful children participating in urban agriculture, highlighting the city's commitment to a

Laredo Healthy Food System Plan" adopted on August 7, 2023.

On August 7, 2023, a significant milestone was achieved in Laredo's journey towards a healthier, more sustainable future. The Laredo City Council adopted the Laredo Healthy Food System Plan, a testament to its commitment to transforming its food system.

The Plan's Journey:

Initiated by the Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture & Sustainability and the Laredo Food Policy Council, this plan marks a collaborative effort to address local food-related concerns. It reflects an integrated approach encompassing production, processing, packaging, distribution, retail, access, nutrition, and waste.

Innovative and Comprehensive Approach:

After extensive consultations with subject-matter experts across six sectors, the council formulated a comprehensive 5-year plan. It details goals, objectives, timelines, collaborators, and civic tools designed to reshape Laredo's food system. This plan was refined through multiple feedback loops, drafts, and meetings, including a critical symposium to gather final community insights.

City Makery and Able City's Involvement:

City Makery and Able City have played a pivotal role in this transformation. Their dedication to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion has significantly contributed to the plan's development, adoption, and implementation, explicitly improving Laredo's food access.

Goals and Development Process:

The Laredo Healthy Food System Plan is a strategic five-year roadmap adopted by the Laredo City Council that addresses every facet of the city's food system, from production to consumption. The plan's formulation was meticulous, involving an array of stakeholders, including community organizations, local government agencies, food service operators, farmers, and retailers.

Recognizing the critical role of a robust local food system, the plan prioritizes the health and well-being of Laredo's citizens and the city's economic vitality and environmental sustainability. The Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability (LCUAS) was pivotal in establishing the Laredo Food Policy Council (LFPC) and guiding the democratic process that shaped the plan.

The LFPC's approach was integrative, considering six crucial sectors: production, processing & packaging, distribution & retail, access & nutrition, consumption, and waste. The goals and objectives within these sectors were honed through multiple feedback loops, expert consultations, and public symposiums, including the landmark "Food Town Laredo, TX" event. This symposium was a critical component, providing a platform for learning, discussion, and finalizing the plan’s objectives and strategies.

The plan’s objectives were ambitious yet grounded in practicality, aiming to establish urban agriculture ordinances, promote water, soil, and air sustainability, and provide entrepreneurial opportunities for urban farmers. It underscored the need for educational programs that spanned the entire community, highlighting urban agriculture and community gardens as economic engines for local food security.

One of the core goals was to alleviate the socio-economic disparities exacerbated by water scarcity and supply chain disruptions. By emphasizing the importance of a secure and equitable food system, the plan aimed to create a sustainable and resilient local food economy that supports job creation, economic opportunities, and environmental stewardship.

The LFPC, with the facilitation of LCUAS, also put forth a compelling vision for integrating food system governance within the city's operations. This collaborative approach aimed to align policies and programs across city agencies and departments to streamline the realization of the plan's objectives.

The LFPC was instrumental in setting the stage for a future where Laredo's citizens could reap the benefits of a healthy food system – one that not only promotes economic growth but also ensures access to nutritious, affordable food for all, regardless of socio-economic status.

As the city looks to the future, the plan provides a flexible framework that can be updated and improved, ensuring that Laredo can adapt to changing needs and continue to foster a community where a healthy food system is not just a vision but a daily reality.

Community Impact and Vision:

The plan represents more than just policy; it's a vision for a healthier Laredo. It envisions a city where fresh, nutritious food is accessible to everyone, and the local food economy thrives in harmony with the environment.

The Laredo Healthy Food System Plan stands as a blueprint for cities worldwide. It illustrates how thoughtful planning, community engagement, and committed partnerships can lead to a transformative impact on urban food systems.

Access the entire plan to learn more about this groundbreaking initiative. It is available on the City of Laredo Health Department Website and via PDF FILE.